Hi, I’m Aaron Simumba,

I am a results oriented Data Scientist with expertise in the telecommunications and financial services industries. Previously I held the following positions, as Business Intelligence & Analytics Lead, at mPharma as a Data Management Associate.

In another life, I was an Accounting and Finance major. Graduated from the University of Texas with a Post Graduate Program in Data Science and Business Analytics, for my undergraduate, received from the University of Namibia a Bachelors degree in Accounting (Honours). Equally tutored Business Administration students in the art of business and accounting at the University of Zambia.

I am lost in the Data Science web… hoping to find my way out of the maze soon. I find data and the process of data analysis to glean insight from the raw data, overly exciting and fascinating alike.

I’m equally fascinated by stock markets and everything with a business and finance buzz.

I can be found on Github poking around interesting projects… and occasionally I rant on twitter.

For this website:

This will be a place where I share my daily musings in the world of R, analytics and mostly, everything remotely interesting. I have a knack for learning interesting data analytics technologies.